Showing: All Publications
The Use of Eminent Domain in São Paulo, Bogotá, and Mexico City
May 2009, English
City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Public Finance, Urbanization
May 2009, English
City and Regional Planning, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Public Finance, Urbanization
February 2008, English
Working Paper
La reforma del impuesto predial de base suelo en Tijuana y Ensenada, Baja California
Manuel Perló Cohen and Luis R. Zamorano Ruiz
January 2000, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation
January 2000, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation
La captura de plusvalías inmobiliarias en México
Manuel Perló Cohen
January 1999, Spanish
Working Paper
January 1999, Spanish
Working Paper
La reforma al sistema fiscal sobre la propiedad inmobliaria en Mexicali
Manuel Perló Cohen and Luis R. Zamorano Ruiz
January 1999, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation
January 1999, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax, Valuation
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