Showing: All Publications
Conservation Catalysts
The Academy as Nature’s Agent
Edited by James N. Levitt with a foreword by Stephen Woodley
November 2014, English
City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Urbanization
November 2014, English
City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Urbanization
Un instrumento en condiciones de emergencia
Expropiación y reconstrucción habitacional en la Ciudad de México después del sismo de 1985
November 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Housing, Land and Property Rights, Local Government
November 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Housing, Land and Property Rights, Local Government
La base suelo del impuesto predial en Mexicali, B. C., 1990–2010
Ismael López Padilla and Salvador Gómez Rocha
July 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax
July 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Land Value Taxation, Property Tax
Oferta de suelo servido y vivienda para la población de escasos recursos en Aguascalientes
Edith R. Jiménez Huerta
June 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
City and Regional Planning, Housing, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization
June 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
City and Regional Planning, Housing, Informal Settlements, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization
Expropiación y conflicto social en cinco metrópolis de América Latina
Edited by Antonio Azuela
February 2014, Spanish
Other Publications
February 2014, Spanish
Other Publications
El impacto del sistema de Transporte Rápido de Buses (Metrobús) en los precios del suelo en la Ciudad de México
Durfari Janive Velandia Naranjo
July 2013, Spanish
Working Paper
July 2013, Spanish
Working Paper
The Impact of Bus Rapid Transit System on Land Prices in Mexico City
Durfari Janive Velandia Naranjo
July 2013, English
Working Paper
July 2013, English
Working Paper
Research Networks and Large-Landscape Conservation and Restoration
The Case of the Colorado River Delta
Karl Flessa
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