
Reducing spatial inequality, building capacity to strengthen equitable and efficient tax systems, and nurturing communities of practice to support land conservation

Equitable and Efficient Property Tax Systems for Eastern Europe

The Lincoln Institute’s work in Latvia leverages ongoing initiatives to strengthen Southern and Eastern Europe’s property taxes by addressing challenges to Latvia’s highly regarded and technically sophisticated mass appraisal system, including taxpayer resistance, liquidity issues, and legislators’ skepticism.

European Land Conservation Network

Strong communities of practice are essential to private and civic land conservation efforts, and the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) has successfully recruited continental members and will convene its next Global Congress in Spain.

Urban Institute Learning Exchange

This partnership program shows how European and American legacy cities benefit from sharing common experiences and solutions on topics like urban sustainability, physical revitalization, economic development, and placemaking.

Partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Working with the OECD, the Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative and the Water Governance Initiative advance key goals throughout Europe and beyond.


UK2070 Commission

The Lincoln Institute’s Armando Carbonell served on the Steering Committee of this inquiry into regional disparities and spatial inequality across the United Kingdom. The UK2070 Commission was established by a partnership involving the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the University of Manchester, the University of Sheffield, and University College London.

Read the Report


Planning for States and Nation-States in the U.S. and Europe
Edited by Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Zorica Nedović-Budić, and Armando Carbonell


City and Regional Planning

European Spatial Research and Planning
Edited by Andreas Faludi


City and Regional Planning

Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society
Edited by Andreas Faludi


City and Regional Planning