Land Lines April 2012
Reconsidering Preferential Assessment of Rural Land
Preferential assessment of rural land has become a central feature of property taxation in the United States. Governors and state legislatures need to pause and consider whether various proposed reforms would improve the performance of and increase popular support for these use value assessment programs.
Application of 3D Cadastres as a Land Policy Tool
The consolidation of a 3D cadastre, which registers how 3D parcels intersect with the corresponding legal norms and regulations, would contribute to more effective urban and environmental planning, infrastructure network design, and the prevention of informality.
China’s Property Tax Reform
China’s property tax reform aims to establish a system to tax the existing property (including both land and housing structures) based upon its assessed value on an annual basis to make the tax a significant revenue source for local governments.
This issue looks at preferential assessments as a taxation method for rural land in the U.S.; the recommended use of three-dimensional cadastres as a property data collection tool; and the intricacies of property tax reform in China.