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Lessons from the Netherlands

Real Estate Assessment and Property Tax Systems

August 2024, English

This volume presents general principles and best practices for property tax policy and administration, offering examples from the Dutch experience that provide lessons of international applicability. This volume presents general principles and best practices for property tax policy and administration, offering examples from the Dutch experience that provide lessons of international applicability.

Other Publications

Property Tax

August 2024, English

This volume presents general principles and best practices for property tax policy and administration, offering examples from the Dutch experience that provide lessons of international applicability. This volume presents general principles and best practices for property tax policy and administration, offering examples from the Dutch experience that provide lessons of international applicability.

Other Publications

Property Tax

Payments in Lieu of Taxes by Nonprofits

Case Studies

Daphne A. Kenyon, Ph.D. and Adam H. Langley

July 2011, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

July 2011, English

Other Publications

Local Government, Property Tax

Zeca Dastro e as Diretrizes para o Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba and Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha

December 2010, Portuguese

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

December 2010, Portuguese

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

José K. Tastro y las Directrices para el Catastro Territorial Multifinalitario

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba and Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha

December 2010, Spanish

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

December 2010, Spanish

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

Mike Adaster and the Guidelines for a Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre

Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba and Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha

February 2012, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

February 2012, English

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

Reforma urbana y desarrollo territorial

Experiencias y perspectivas de aplicación de las leyes 9a de 1989 y 388 de 1997

Edited by María Mercedes Maldonado
Copublished by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá; Universidad de los Andes, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Regionales, Cider; and Federación Nacional de Organizaciones de Vivienda Popular, Fedevivienda

October 2003, Spanish

Other Publications

Value Capture

October 2003, Spanish

Other Publications

Value Capture

February 2014, Spanish

Other Publications

A Deep Dive on South Carolina’s Property Tax

Complex, Inequitable, and Uncompetitive

Project Manager: Daphne Kenyon Funded by the South Carolina Chamber Foundation and the South Carolina Realtors

August 2020, English

South Carolina has a property tax system that is unique among the 50 states. As this report shows, it is complex, nontransparent, inequitable, and noncompetitive.

Other Publications

Economic Development, Property Tax, Valuation

August 2020, English

South Carolina has a property tax system that is unique among the 50 states. As this report shows, it is complex, nontransparent, inequitable, and noncompetitive.

Other Publications

Economic Development, Property Tax, Valuation

Planes parciales, gestión asociada y mecanismos de distribución equitativa de cargas y beneficios en el sistema urbanístico colombiano

Marco jurídico, conceptos básicos y alternativas de aplicación

María Mercedes Maldonado Copello, Juan Felipe Pinilla Pineda, Juan Francisco Rodríguez Vitta, and Natalia Valencia Dávila

June 2006, Spanish

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Value Capture

June 2006, Spanish

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning, Value Capture