The Lincoln Institute’s C. Lowell Harriss Dissertation Fellowship Program assists Ph.D. students, primarily at U.S. universities, whose research complements the Institute’s interests in land and tax policy. This program honors Professor Harriss (1912–2009) who taught economics at Columbia University and was a long-time member of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Board of Directors.
Administered through the departments of Valuation and Taxation and Planning and Urban Form, the program provides a link between the Institute’s educational mission and its research objectives by supporting scholars early in their careers. The Institute hosts a seminar for the fellowship recipients each year so they can present their research and share feedback with other fellows and Institute faculty members. Dissertation fellowship applications for the next cycle are due by February 1, 2016.
Valuation and Taxation
Kyoochul Kim
Pennsylvania State University
Analysis of the Effect of Land Value Taxation on Land Value and Land Intensity
Ross Milton
Cornell University
The Political Economy of Property Tax Structure
Alexander Bartik
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Efficiency and Incidence of Improvements in Local Amenities: evidence from Census Data and Local Property Values
Lyndsey Anne Rolheiser
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Local Tax Implications of Inefficient Land Use
Paul Edward Bidanset
City of Norfolk, VA
Using Locally Weighted Regression with Simultaneous Spatial, Temporal and Attribute Weighting Functions to Improve Accuracy of Mass Appraisal Models
Planning and Urban Form
Charles J. Gabbe
University of California
Why are regulations adopted and what do they do? The case of Los Angeles
Andrew McMillan
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
After the Foreclosure Crisis: Measuring Neighborhood Recovery and Contributing Factors
Linda Shi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Resilient regions: U.S. Experiments in Metropolitan Climate Adaptation?