Showing: All Publications
Is Informal Transit Land-Oriented? Investigating the Links Between Informal Transit and Land-Use Planning in Quito, Ecuador
Julie Gamble and Elisa Puga
May 2019, English
Working Paper
Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization
May 2019, English
Working Paper
Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization
Eminent Domain and Social Conflict in Five Latin American Metropolitan Areas
Edited by Antonio Azuela
June 2017, English
Other Publications
Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution
June 2017, English
Other Publications
Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution
Sistemas del impuesto predial en América Latina y el Caribe
Edited by Cláudia M. De Cesare
October 2016, Spanish
Property Tax, Public Finance
October 2016, Spanish
Property Tax, Public Finance
Desarrollo urbano orientado a los sistemas de transporte público masivo tipo BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) en Quito y Bogotá
Daniel A. Rodríguez, with support from Erik Vergel and William Fernando Camargo Triana
September 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
September 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Incentivos para el cobro de Contribución Especial de Mejoras y el financiamiento de la infraestructura pública en Ecuador
Diego Aulestia and Vanessa Rodríguez
June 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance
June 2014, Spanish
Working Paper
Infrastructure, Local Government, Public Finance
Expropiación y conflicto social en cinco metrópolis de América Latina
Edited by Antonio Azuela
February 2014, Spanish
Other Publications
February 2014, Spanish
Other Publications
Conservation Capital in the Americas
Exemplary Conservation Finance Initiatives
Edited by James N. Levitt
January 2010, English
Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Conservation, Public Finance
January 2010, English
Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Conservation, Public Finance
Gestión del crecimiento suburbano
Cambios en el uso del suelo y el mercado del suelo en el área de influencia del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de Quito, Ecuador
Andrea Carrión
November 2009, Spanish
Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture
November 2009, Spanish
Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture
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