Showing: All Publications
Políticas de Suelo, Derecho Urbanístico y Cambio Climático
Instrumentos Urbanísticos-Tributarios como Medidas para Enfrentar al Cambio Climático
Safira De La Sala, Melinda Maldonado, and Rachelle Alterman
March 2019, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Environment, Local Government, Value Capture
March 2019, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Environment, Local Government, Value Capture
Plan Pro.Cre.Ar como instrumento de política habitacional e inclusión social a través del acceso a la vivienda
El caso del Área Metropolitana Rosario, Argentina
Cintia Ariana Barenboim and Pablo Elinbaum
June 2018, Spanish
Working Paper
June 2018, Spanish
Working Paper
Los convenios urbanísticos en la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina, como instrumentos de gestión del suelo
Análisis de sus impactos en términos de equidad
Guillermo Peinado, Cintia Ariana Barenboim, Patricia Alejandra Lagarrigue, y Marcela Inés Nicastro
June 2018, Spanish
Working Paper
June 2018, Spanish
Working Paper
Urban Property and Land Taxation in Argentina
The Challenge of Decentralization
Cynthia Goytia and Marcela Cristini
August 2017, English
Working Paper
Local Government, Property Tax
August 2017, English
Working Paper
Local Government, Property Tax
Eminent Domain and Social Conflict in Five Latin American Metropolitan Areas
Edited by Antonio Azuela
June 2017, English
Other Publications
Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution
June 2017, English
Other Publications
Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution
Relocalizaciones Urbanas y Riesgos Ambientales
Un análisis de los casos de Magaldi y Villa 26 en la cuenca Matanza Riachuelo (Argentina)
Daniel Ryan and Cecilia Larivera, with collaboration from Andrés Nápoli
May 2017, Spanish
Working Paper
Environment, Housing, Urbanization
May 2017, Spanish
Working Paper
Environment, Housing, Urbanization
Sistemas del impuesto predial en América Latina y el Caribe
Edited by Cláudia M. De Cesare
October 2016, Spanish
Property Tax, Public Finance
October 2016, Spanish
Property Tax, Public Finance
Land and the City
Edited by George W. McCarthy, Gregory K. Ingram, and Samuel A. Moody
January 2016, English
City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization
January 2016, English
City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization
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