Showing: All Publications
Examining Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Land-based Financing Instruments for Funding Climate Action
A Study of Land Markets and Flood Risk Pricing in Different Contexts
Cynthia Goytia
November 2024, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Housing, Land Markets
November 2024, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Housing, Land Markets
Examining Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Land-based Financing Instruments for Funding Climate Action
Flood Risk, Adaptation Investments, and Land Value Creation in Buenos Aires
Cynthia Goytia
November 2024, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land Markets, Value Capture
November 2024, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land Markets, Value Capture
Land Policies, Urban Law, and Climate Change
Urban Taxation Measures to Address Climate Change Stage 2: Case Analysis
Melinda Maldonado, Safira de la Sala, Rachelle Alterman, Giovanni Andrés Pérez Macías, and Roberto Arazo Silva
August 2023, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land Value Taxation, Urbanization
August 2023, English
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land Value Taxation, Urbanization
Implementación de Infraestructura Azul y Verde (IAV) a través de mecanismos de captación de plusvalía en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires
El caso de la Cuenca del Arroyo Medrano
Daniel Kozak, Hayley Henderson, Demián Rotbart, Alejandro de Castro Mazarro, and Rodolfo Aradas
February 2022, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Infrastructure, Valuation, Value Capture, Water
February 2022, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Infrastructure, Valuation, Value Capture, Water
Infrastructure Investment in a Messy Urban Growth Scenario
The Role of Land Value Capture Instruments in Argentina
Cynthia Goytia and Marcela Cristini
August 2020, English
Working Paper
Valuation, Value Capture
August 2020, English
Working Paper
Valuation, Value Capture
Políticas de Suelo, Derecho Urbanístico y Cambio Climático
Instrumentos Urbanísticos-Tributarios como Medidas para enfrentar al Cambio Climático. Etapa 2: Análisis de casos.
Melinda Lis Maldonado, Safira de la Sala, Rachelle Alterman, Giovanni Andrés Pérez Macías, y Roberto Arazo Silva
April 2020, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land and Property Rights, Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture
April 2020, Spanish
Working Paper
Climate Change, Land and Property Rights, Local Government, Property Tax, Value Capture
Recuperación de plusvalías urbanas en Brasil, Colombia y otros países de América Latina
Conceptos, instrumentos e implementación
Fernanda Furtado y Claudia Acosta
March 2020, Spanish
Working Paper
City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture
March 2020, Spanish
Working Paper
City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture
Doing Bad by Doing Good?
An Empirical Analysis of the Incentives from Informal Settlements’ Upgrading Programs on Urban Informality
Cynthia Goytia and Guadalupe Dorna
March 2019, English
Working Paper
Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Urbanization
March 2019, English
Working Paper
Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Urbanization
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