Land Lines October 2010
Outperforming the Market
Research on community land trusts (CLTs) found delinquencies and foreclosures to be far lower among the owners of CLT homes than the owners of unrestricted market-rate homes during the market downturn of 2007–2009.
What the Housing Crisis Means for State and Local Governments
While the housing market and the economy are closely intertwined, the severe drop in state tax revenues can largely be attributed to the broader economic downturn, not the housing crisis specifically.
Expanding Our Reach in Latin America Through Distance Education
The Lincoln Institute’s distance education offerings in Latin America encompass self-paced online courses; moderated courses with interactive media formats; and graduate-level courses in partnership with universities and other institutions.

This issue highlights U.S. foreclosure rate comparisons between standard market-rate residences and homes owned by land trusts; the effects of the national housing crisis on state and local governments; and the Lincoln Institute’s distance education curriculum in Latin America.