Land Lines July 2013
Puerto Madero
Once a center of decay that was hastening decline in the adjacent downtown, the old port district of Buenos Aires is now a tourist icon and hub of progress. A 20-year veteran of the redevelopment considers the megaproject’s social value and cost.
Town-Gown Conservation at Kenyon College
Students, faculty, and farmers formed a grassroots coalition to protect the natural setting that distinguishes the Kenyon College learning experience. Their successful efforts present a replicable model for other local conservation efforts.
The Road to Recovery
Governments face an extraordinary set of management challenges in the wake of an earthquake or tsunami. After researching post-disaster recovery settings around the world for 20 years, the authors highlight some best-practice examples and lessons learned.

In this issue, we feature articles on a megaproject to transform Puerto Madero, in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the conservation efforts of Kenyon College; and ongoing research into the role of government in successful post-disaster recovery efforts.