Climate, Land, and Water

Stewardship of land and water resources ensures a livable future

Land and water policy can shape the built and natural environment to reduce the extent of climate change and help communities and natural systems withstand the impacts of rising temperatures and sea levels. The Lincoln Institute advances land policy as a climate solution and fosters climate justice as a key element of this work.

We seek transformative and systemic change, leveraging land policy and planning practice to reduce energy demand, transition to more sustainable transportation and energy systems, increase community resilience, balance trade-offs, and create thriving, inclusive communities.

Climate Action

Communities around the world are contending with accelerating climate change and finding ways to adapt. Through networks and communities of practice, courses and workshops, research, and publications, the Lincoln Institute identifies and shares promising practices for land-based greenhouse gas mitigation, and adaptation and resilience. With partners, we bring together elected officials, community members, and key planning and policy staff to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, strategies, and promising practices to scale up effective climate solutions.

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Planning Practice

Many decisions made by planners will have effects that last for decades, highlighting the importance of making the right decisions now. Planners can play a role in limiting energy consumption by vehicles and buildings, enhancing nature and its ecosystem services, and creating more vibrant street life that fosters social resilience. The Lincoln Institute helps planners innovate, stay abreast of trends and research, and grow and evolve through shared learning, peer engagement, and technical support.

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Land Conservation

Ongoing threats to land resources diminish resilience in communities and exacerbate poverty and spatial inequality. The Lincoln Institute builds cross-sectoral capacity to more sustainably steward and manage land resources in the United States and around the globe.

Learn More About the International Land Conservation Network

Integrating Land and Water

A thriving, sustainable future requires that communities consider land and water decisions together, not in siloes. The Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy, founded at the Lincoln Institute in 2017, works with communities throughout the Colorado River Basin and beyond to better integrate land and water planning.

Learn More About the Babbitt Center