Don’t miss the Mayor’s Desk book, coming this fall!
With a population of nearly 33 million and growing, Delhi is the second-largest metropolitan area in the world after Tokyo, and on track to become number one. Shelly Oberoi, 39, was elected mayor of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), a governing body representing some 20 million of those people, in early 2023. Born in the capital city, Oberoi was named a vice president of the women’s wing of the anti-corruption Aam Aadmi Party before becoming a ward city councilor in 2022. Oberoi, who had to run for the mayoral post several times due to parliamentary voting challenges, promised that “Delhi will be cleaned and transformed” in her tenure. She has been an assistant professor at Delhi University and Mumbai’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, and has authored several research papers on corporate social responsibility, global finance, and other topics.
Anthony Flint: You’re the first mayor in a decade to oversee all of central city Delhi, after reunification of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. What kind of governing challenges and opportunities come along with that?
Shelly Oberoi: Governing the Municipal Corporation after its unification has come along with a fair share of challenges and opportunities. On one hand, centralization of powers allows for streamlined decision-making, enhanced accountability, and improved collaboration across departments. While centralization allows for more efficiency, it also requires careful planning to ensure equitable distribution of resources to address the diverse needs of different areas within Delhi. Balancing these needs and optimizing resource allocation is a significant challenge that we are addressing at the moment. On the other hand, unification has also offered us an opportunity for policy alignment. With a unified municipal corporation, we can now align policies and regulations across all areas of Delhi. Policy alignment allows us to address issues such as education, property tax, and new initiatives in a coordinated manner, leading to more effective civil planning and development across the city. This enables consistent implementation of rules and regulations, creating a level playing field and ensuring fairness and transparency in governance.
Mayor Shelly Oberoi. Credit: Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
AF: You said upon being elected that you would work “to make Delhi the city that it should have been”—what does that vision look like, and what are the biggest obstacles to achieving it?
SO: My vision for Delhi is based upon the Aam Aadmi Party’s 10 guarantees, as announced by our National Convenor and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. These guarantees reflect the aspirations of the people and prioritize the overall well-being of the city. We have envisioned a clean and beautiful Delhi, free from the blight of landfills, where waste management systems are streamlined and cleanliness is promoted throughout the city. We are establishing a culture of transparency and accountability, ensuring a corruption-free Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Our vision also includes providing a permanent solution to the problem of parking through efficient management systems and addressing the issue of stray animals with compassionate and sustainable measures. Moreover, we aim to have well-maintained roads that prioritize safety and smooth traffic flow, improving the overall commuting experience for residents.
The work of the Aam Aadmi Party’s state government in Delhi is already talked about globally, particularly in the fields of education and healthcare. Chief Minister Kejriwal has administered revolutions in the landscape of India’s public education and public health sectors. People have started believing that government facilities can be trusted, that they can offer them the equal standard of services for free that private facilities do at exorbitant prices.
Building on this momentum, we are working with a special focus on transforming schools and hospitals into centers of excellence. We are also enhancing parks across the city, creating green spaces for citizens to enjoy. In a welcome change, we are ensuring regular salaries for workers and offering them a better environment within the MCD to promote job security and build a motivated workforce. Simplifying the process of obtaining licenses for traders, creating a welcoming business environment, and establishing designated vending zones for street vendors are also part of our vision.
However, we acknowledge the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, budgetary constraints, stakeholder engagement, and coordination among different agencies. By recognizing these challenges and proactively addressing them, we can work toward making Delhi the city it should have always been—a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable metropolis that residents can be proud to call home and, above all, the number-one capital of the world.
AF: Regarding air quality—brought to international attention by such documentary films as All That Breathes—what are some short-term solutions? Please also comment on your approach regarding garbage and landfills. The two issues are related, in that the new waste-to-energy plant will seemingly help solve one problem while further contributing to air pollution.
SO: Air quality is indeed a pressing concern for Delhi, and addressing it requires a multi-faceted approach that incorporates both short-term and long-term solutions. However, air doesn’t belong to any one geographical boundary; a lot of factors that arise in our neighboring states adversely impact Delhi. Thus, the challenge needs a concerted and coordinated approach from all stakeholders, including the central government and neighboring state governments.
The Delhi government is leading an extensive effort to reduce air pollution through its Summer and Winter Action Plans. The government accordingly decides upon short- and long-term solutions as part of these action plans, be it stopping dust pollution and industrial pollution, improving on solid waste management, or conducting real-time source apportionment studies. Under these action plans, the MCD has been delegated the responsibility of keeping a check on the factors under its domain and maintaining vigils on smaller roads under its domain. The state government regularly convenes review meetings and the MCD has extended its unconditional support to help with these efforts. It is important to also note that due to these efforts, the air pollution levels in Delhi have already seen a welcome change.
As for garbage and landfills, we are actively working upon improving the city’s solid waste management system by means of promoting waste segregation, installing fixed-compactor transfer stations, and shutting down neighborhood garbage dump yards. We have also set a plan to eliminate the three garbage landfills of the city. Of this we are on track to completely clear off the Okhla landfill by the end of this year and the Bhalswa landfill by the first half of next year. These targets have been set by the state as part of a dedicated approach to clean the city, and Chief Minister Kejriwal has been monitoring the daily progress to further strengthen MCD’s resolve toward this mission.
AF: Are there any policies in the works to address the city’s notorious traffic congestion? How does that fit in with your overall plan to enhance infrastructure and make the city more resilient?
SO: Traffic is mostly beyond the domain of the MCD. In Delhi, the municipal body only looks after minor roads and neighborhood lanes, whose upkeep we are working upon with utmost commitment ever since taking over the reins. Along with the help of our councilors and local citizens, we are identifying all such roads and lanes that need any sort of repair and ensuring that the task is dealt with. At the larger level, the Delhi Government’s Public Works Department and Transport Department are doing a great job of reducing traffic congestion in the city by upgrading the existing infrastructure, building new flyovers and underpasses, and introducing electric buses.
AF: The Delhi metro area—with a population of nearly 33 million and growing by nearly 3 percent per year—seems to warrant a more centralized form of governance. Is there any chance of reform to allow mayors in India to manage their cities as leaders do in major cities in other parts of the world?
SO: In principle, I do recognize the need for reforms that empower city leaders to effectively manage their cities, similar to the governance models observed in major cities around the world. However, the current governance structure in India has its limitations that we respect, and we prefer to mull about within our own landscape. In theory there is always a chance for reform and exploration of alternative models. We can explore enhancing the capacity of mayors and local authorities through training programs, knowledge sharing, and collaboration with international city management institutions that can equip them with the necessary skills and expertise to effectively lead and manage their cities. We can also promote collaborative governance models that involve active participation of citizens, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to facilitate better decision-making and ensure that the diverse interests and concerns of the city’s residents are adequately represented.
Anthony Flint is a senior fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, contributing editor to Land Lines, and host of the Land Matters podcast.
Lead image: Leaders are working to improve air quality and clear landfills in Delhi, which is on track to become the world’s largest metropolitan area. Credit: PRABHASROY via iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus.
Máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible
January 15, 2024 - March 19, 2025
Offered in Spanish
El máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible es un programa académico online en español que reúne de manera única los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la planificación urbana, junto con instrumentos fiscales, ambientales y de participación, desde una perspectiva internacional y comparada. El programa está dirigido especialmente a estudiantes de posgrado y otros graduados con interés en políticas urbanas desde una perspectiva jurídica, ambiental y de procesos de participación, así como a funcionarios públicos. Los participantes del máster recibirán el entrenamiento teórico y técnico para liderar la implementación de medidas que permitan la transformación sostenible de las ciudades.
El programa fue pensado de manera modular: los participantes pueden elegir realizar uno, dos o tres módulos, cada uno de los cuales otorga el diploma de experto universitario. Si llevan a cabo los tres módulos y finalizan con éxito el programa de fin de máster, obtienen el título de máster de formación permanente, otorgado por UNED.
January 15, 2024 - March 19, 2025
Registration Period
September 11, 2023 - November 30, 2023
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate
Climate Mitigation, Development, Dispute Resolution, Environmental Management, Exclusionary Zoning, Favela, Henry George, Informal Land Markets, Infrastructure, Land Market Regulation, Land Speculation, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Land Value, Land Value Taxation, Land-Based Tax, Local Government, Mediation, Municipal Fiscal Health, Planning, Property Taxation, Public Finance, Public Policy, Regulatory Regimes, Resilience, Reuse of Urban Land, Urban Development, Urbanism, Value Capture
China Program International Fellowship 2024-25
Submission Deadline:
November 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM
The Lincoln Institute’s China program invites applications for the annual International Fellowship Program. The program seeks applications from academic researchers working on the following topics in China:
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of cities;
Climate change and cities;
Urban development trends and patterns;
Urban regeneration;
Municipal finance and land value capture;
Land policies;
Housing policies;
Urban environment and health; and
Land and water conservation.
The fellowship aims to promote international scholarly dialogue on China’s urban development and land policy, and to further the Lincoln Institute’s objective to advance land policy solutions to economic, social, and environmental challenges. The fellowship is provided to scholars who are based outside mainland China. Visit the website of the Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy (Beijing) to learn about a separate fellowship for scholars based in mainland China.
Application period: September 29 to November 30, 2023, 11:59 p.m. EST.
Submission Deadline
November 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM
Graduate Student Fellowships
2023–2024 Programa de becas para el máster UNED-Instituto Lincoln
El máster está dirigido especialmente a estudiantes de posgrado y otros graduados con interés en políticas urbanas desde una perspectiva jurídica, ambiental y de procesos de participación, así como a funcionarios públicos. Los participantes del programa recibirán el entrenamiento teórico y técnico para liderar la implementación de medidas que permitan la transformación sostenible de las ciudades.
Plazo de matrícula ordinario: 11 de septiembre al 30 de noviembre de 2023
El inicio del máster es el 15 de enero de 2024.
El Instituto Lincoln otorgará becas que cubrirán parcialmente el costo del máster de los postulantes seleccionados.
Términos de las becas
Los becarios deben haber obtenido un título de licenciatura de una institución académica o de estudios superiores.
Los fondos de las becas no tienen valor en efectivo y solo cubrirán el 40% del costo total del programa.
Los becarios deben pagar la primera cuota de la matrícula, que representa el 60% del costo total del máster.
Los becarios deben mantener una buena posición académica o perderán el beneficio.
El otorgamiento de la beca dependerá de la admisión formal del postulante al máster UNED-Instituto Lincoln.
Si son seleccionados, los becarios recibirán asistencia virtual para realizar el proceso de admisión de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), el cual requiere una solicitud online y una copia del expediente académico o registro de calificaciones de licenciatura y/o posgrado.
Aquellos postulantes que no obtengan la beca parcial del Instituto Lincoln podrán optar a las ayudas que ofrece la UNED, una vez que se hayan matriculado en el máster.
Fecha límite para postular: 20 de agosto de 2023, 23:59 horas de Boston, MA, EE.UU. (UTC-5)
Anuncio de resultados: 8 de septiembre de 2023
Submission Deadline
August 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM
Climate Mitigation, Development, Dispute Resolution, Environmental Management, Exclusionary Zoning, Favela, Henry George, Informal Land Markets, Infrastructure, Land Market Regulation, Land Speculation, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Land Value, Land Value Taxation, Land-Based Tax, Local Government, Mediation, Municipal Fiscal Health, Planning, Property Taxation, Public Finance, Public Policy, Regulatory Regimes, Resilience, Reuse of Urban Land, Urban Development, Urbanism, Value Capture
Premio Lincoln al periodismo sobre políticas urbanas, desarrollo sostenible y cambio climático
Submission Deadline:
September 17, 2023 at 11:59 PM
El Lincoln Institute of Land Policy convoca a periodistas de toda América Latina a participar del concurso “Premio Lincoln al periodismo sobre políticas urbanas, desarrollo sostenible y cambio climático”, dirigido a estimular trabajos periodísticos de investigación y divulgación que cubran temas relacionados con políticas de suelo y desarrollo urbano sostenible. El premio está dedicado a la memoria de Tim Lopes, periodista brasileño asesinado mientras hacía investigación para un reportaje sobre las favelas de Rio de Janeiro.
Convocamos a periodistas de toda América Latina a participar de este concurso, dirigido a estimular trabajos periodísticos de investigación y divulgación que cubran temas relacionados con políticas de suelo y desarrollo urbano sostenible. Recibimos postulaciones para el premio hasta el 17 de septiembre de 2023. Para ver detalles sobre la convocatoria vea el botón "Guía/Guide" o el archivo a continuación titulado "Guía/Guide".
Submission Deadline
September 17, 2023 at 11:59 PM
Adaptation, BRT, Bus Rapid Transit, Climate Mitigation, Community Development, Community Land Trusts, Conservation, Development, Dispute Resolution, Eminent Domain, Environment, Favela, Growth Management, Housing, Inequality, Informal Land Markets, Infrastructure, Land Reform, Land Speculation, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Land Value, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Municipal Fiscal Health, Natural Resources, Planning, Poverty, Public Finance, Public Policy, Resilience, Security of Tenure, Segregation, Slum, Stakeholders, Sustainable Development, Transport Oriented Development, Transportation, Urban Development, Urban Revitalization, Urban Sprawl, Urban Upgrading and Regularization, Urbanism, Value Capture, Water, Water Planning, Zoning
Webinar and Event Recordings
Community Resilience Through Small Scale Manufacturing
May 3, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Free, offered in English
Moderator: Sarah Yeung, Principal, Sojourner Consulting
Speakers: Derek Santos, Executive Director, New Bedford Economic Development Council, Lars Kuehnow, Program Officer LISC, Duluth, Misty E. Beasley, Regional Director MBAC, Akron Urban League, and Audra Ladd, Co-Director, Urban Manufacturing Alliance
Watch the recording
Smaller legacy cities share common challenges that have increased the urgency for economic development strategies. In these places, small-scale manufacturing is a strategy that has produced early results and demonstrated strong potential for supporting local economic growth.
In late 2022, The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance published a working paper that highlights models across three case study cities of Akron, Ohio; Duluth, Minnesota; and New Bedford, Massachusetts, that are utilizing an ecosystems approach that helps small manufacturing businesses start and scale where they are.
This is an unprecedented time in manufacturing, with once-in-a-lifetime federal investments being made in the sector. The working paper combines examples of small-scale manufacturing strategies for implementation in order to offer a sense of possibility for smaller legacy cities, arguments to support advocacy for local small-scale manufacturing, and leads to start developing such ecosystems for peer cities—all of which could be supported with increased investment.
This webinar offers a practical introduction to small-scale manufacturing as part of a strategy for inclusive community economic development and features speakers from each of the three cities.
In the webinar, presenters:
discuss examples of ongoing small-scale manufacturing strategies that smaller legacy cities can implement;
provide examples of how to support advocacy for local small-scale manufacturing;
discuss how other cities can start developing their own manufacturing ecosystems; and
examine ways small-scale manufacturing intersects with sustainability and racial equity.
Sarah Yeung has more than 13 years of experience working in and partnering with community-based organizations. She has worked as a community developer, a policy advocate and researcher in Philadelphia and across the country.
She is the founder and principal of Sojourner Consulting, a consultancy which provides support for efforts to create new models in supporting place-based change and revitalization, through services ranging widely and including planning, research and strategic consulting. Sojourner brings an understanding of the systems which dictate land use and development, and how they affect Black and brown communities, particularly immigrant, refugee and limited English proficient (LEP) populations. She helps organizations and governments navigate and reposition their relationships to changing communities.
Derek Santos is a lifelong resident of New Bedford with a 25-year background in development, city planning, architecture and historic preservation. He has been with the New Bedford Economic Development Council since 2007, serving as the director of business development, director of operations, and now executive director of a dynamic team of business development professionals.
The NBEDC, in conjunction with Mayor Jon Mitchell, sets the agenda for New Bedford’s strategic economic development growth. A nine-member board of directors and broad based council of business and community leaders govern the NBEDC.
Before joining the NBEDC team, Mr. Santos served as the Historical Architect for New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park and was the chairman of the Historical Commission and vice-chairman of the City’s Planning Board. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Workforce Investment Board and the One SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce.
In his many community and professional roles, Lars Kuehnow has designed and launched an entrepreneurship partnership with the University of Minnesota Duluth for minority community members underrepresented in the local business ecosystem. The program included three prongs, Cultural Entrepreneur Program, Community Partners, and Creative Startups Incubation Cohort, and became second largest Creative Startups cohort worldwide. In a rundown commercial corridor, he used strategic planning, marketing basics and dogged leadership to bring in 35 new businesses and 200+ new jobs in under three years. Kuenhnow is also responsible for helping revitalize a community manufacturing career program that previously got its funding slashed. By re-aligning the entire program framework, reducing expenses, and broadening the pipeline for manufacturers and applicants, he kept the program alive with record high outcomes and record low costs.
Misty E. Beasley has been employed with the Akron Urban League since 2002. Mrs. Beasley was promoted to the role of regional director of the Minority Business Assistance Center (MBAC) from the senior business advisor position. She holds a master’s in Public Administration (MPA) and Certified Business Advisor (CBA) certification from Kent State University. She is also a Certified Business Advisor with the GrowthWheel online platform. As the regional director of MBAC-Akron, Mrs. Beasley provides oversite of programming and MBAC services that assists small, minority-owned, socially, and economically disadvantaged businesses across nine counties. She has a passion for serving others and is dedicated to the growth, sustainability, and economic inclusion of businesses in the MBAC Akron Region and across the State of Ohio.
Audra Ladd is the Director of Manufacturing Policy for the Urban Manufacturing Alliance – a national non-profit supporting domestic manufacturing and locally made products.
With a background in economics and urban planning, she has over 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors supporting equitable economic and community development. Before joining UMA she was the Director of Economic and Community Development for the City of Nashville/Davidson County, TN where she led business recruitment and retention, directed the Industrial Development Board and the Nashville’s Foreign Trade Zone. She is a small batch manufacturer herself producing pottery and woven textiles, and most recently – hand-spun yarn.
May 3, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Registration Period
March 22, 2023 - May 3, 2023
Registration Fee
Business Improvement Districts, Community Development, Development, Economic Development, Inequality, Local Government, Municipal Fiscal Health, Planning, Poverty, Public Finance, Public Policy, Sustainable Development