
David C. Lincoln Fellowships on Land Valuation Methods

Submission Deadline: July 5, 2019 at 11:59 PM

The David C. Lincoln Fellowships in Land Value Taxation were established to encourage academic and professional interest in land value taxation through support for major research projects. This program honors David C. Lincoln, founding chairman of the Lincoln Institute, and his long-standing commitment to land value taxation studies by encouraging scholars and practitioners to undertake new work on the theory of land value taxation and its application to contemporary fiscal systems.

The 2019–2020 program will focus specifically on land valuation techniques. To improve proficiency in new methods of land valuation, we invite fellowship applicants to submit proposals for estimating land value based on a data set provided by the Institute. The data set offers 12 years of land sales, improved sales, and assessment data from a large urban county, and includes parcel and structure characteristics. A sample and data dictionary are available upon request. Successful applicants will be invited to present their projects at a Lincoln Institute conference.

For information on present and previous fellowship recipients and projects, please visit David C. Lincoln Fellows, Current and Past.


Submission Deadline
July 5, 2019 at 11:59 PM



Appraisal, Assessment, Cadastre, Henry George, Inequality, Land Value, Land Value Taxation, Land-Based Tax, Local Government, Property Taxation, Taxation, Valuation, Value Capture, Value-Based Taxes