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Moving Beyond Conventional Economic Development Practice

An Asset-Based Framework for Sustainable Communities

Haegi Kwon, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

January 2024, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

January 2024, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

From the House to the Ground: Insights Into the Challenges of Implementing State Housing Policies

Jenny Schuetz, Julia Gill, Semida Munteanu, and Sydney Zelinka

September 2023, English

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads


September 2023, English

As housing affordability concerns increase, state legislatures are increasingly intent on implementing reform. New insights from a workshop held by the Lincoln Institute and Brookings Metro offer a look at the challenges and opportunities along the way.

Policy Downloads


The Case for Climate-Informed Zoning

A Study of Fiscal Impact in Norfolk, VA

Katherine Burgess, Michael Rodriguez, Jordan Howard, Jared Klukas, and Megan Wright

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

June 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Use and Zoning

Can Removing Development Subsidies Promote Adaptation?

The Coastal Barrier Resources System as a Natural Experiment

Hannah Druckenmiller, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, Sophie Pesek, Margaret Walls, and Shan Zhang

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

May 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

Integrating Land Use and Water Management

By Erin Rugland

August 2022, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Water

August 2022, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Water

Design with Nature Now

Edited by Frederick Steiner, Richard Weller, Karen M’Closkey, and Billy Fleming

October 2019, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment

October 2019, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment

Education, Land, and Location

Edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Daphne A. Kenyon

May 2014, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

May 2014, English


City and Regional Planning, Land Markets, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance, Urbanization

Community Characteristics of Homeschooling

The Case of Virginia

Luke Miller

May 2014, English

City and Regional Planning

May 2014, English

City and Regional Planning