Working Paper
How do municipalities in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) region integrate their land use and water conservation efforts? How do local practices correlate with institutional, development, and population trends? This report provides an analysis of integrative practices in local land use and water conservation regulations in the DFW region using a novel database. The report first provides details about how growth and development trends in the DFW region correlate with water conversation and regulation efforts over time. We then provide analysis of a database of water conservation and landscaping ordinances from 231 municipalities located in the DFW region and discuss the typologies of integration observed across the municipalities. We utilize statistical analysis to identify factors correlated with adoption of certain types of municipal ordinances and find that local practices do not correlate with the municipalities’ environmental ecoregion, age, population size, and other institutional factors. We do find that racial composition of the population is a statistically valid but relatively weak predictor of local practices. In the conclusion, we discuss how these findings may be relevant for policy, planning, and application.
Community Development, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Sustainable Development, Urban Development, Water, Water Planning