Policy Focus Report
Paperback | $14.00 | 36 pages
ISBN: 978-1-55844-131-6
PDF | Free | 36 pages
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Open Space Conservation

Investing In Your Community's Economic Health

John Tibbetts

February 1998, English

This report describes several techniques of delineating the economic value of open space, explaining their strengths and limitations. The report also analyzes the effectiveness, practicality, and fairness of numerous tools used to finance open space conservation, such as impact fees, dedications of land, transfer fees, conservation easements, and floodplain zoning. With this information, planners, developers, government officials, land trust representatives, homeowners, and citizens can think more strategically about preservation opportunities in their communities.


Conservation, Conservation Easements, Economics, Environmental Management, Floodplains, Growth Management, Land Trusts, Open Space, Public Finance, Public Policy, Zoning