Land Lines July 2010
Reflections on the Foreclosure Crisis
We learn about the root causes of foreclosure by exploring how foreclosure rates vary across places and over time and examining two “triggers”—falling house prices and rising unemployment rates—that are associated with higher foreclosure rates.
Tenure Security and Housing Improvement in Buenos Aires
The concept of tenure security can be viewed in three different ways: as a legal construct that often takes the form of title to property; as de facto security based on the actual situation; and as it is perceived by dwellers.
Thirty Years of Judicial Education on Property Tax Issues
Over the past 30 years, the Lincoln Institute has sponsored the annual National Conference of State Tax Judges as a means of improving land-related tax policy as applied and interpreted by adjudication in tax courts and tax appeal tribunals.

This issue provides various reflections on the U.S. foreclosure crisis of the mid-2000s; an analysis of housing reform and homeowner security in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and an overview of the property tax education that the Lincoln Institute has provided to U.S. judges since 1980.