Land Lines April 2020

Sponge City
The bustling city of Shenzhen, China, is an economic powerhouse that has long been on the front lines of experimentation. Now the former fishing region is banking on the power of water to build a more sustainable, resilient future.

Deconstruction Ahead
Federally funded highways slice through most of the major cities of the United States, physically dividing neighborhoods and posing serious health risks, but the mindset that drove those projects is shifting.

The Potential of Green Bond Financing in China
As cities increasingly discover the benefits of managing stormwater using nature-based solutions, the question is how to pay for it. One answer could come in the form of green bonds.

This issue explores how cities are becoming more resilient, from a comprehensive green infrastructure investment in Shenzhen, China, to an ambitious clean-up in Athens, Greece, to a highway replacement project in Rochester, New York.