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Agriculture & Water in the West: A Community Takes Charge

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

April 2024, English


April 2024, English


Consortium for Scenario Planning 2023 Conference

February 1, 2023 - February 3, 2023

Focused on new and current scenario planning projects, the in-person conference will showcase scenario planning work in the Southwest.


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Technology and Tools, Water

Focused on new and current scenario planning projects, the in-person conference will showcase scenario planning work in the Southwest.


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Technology and Tools, Water

July 2022, English


May 2021, English


A Relação Entre os Programas de Habitação Social, a Gestão Urbana e o Planejamento das Cidades

Copublished by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Ministry of Cities, Brazil

Presenters: Cintia Fernandes, Claudio Acioly Jr.

July 2016, Portuguese

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July 2016, Portuguese

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A Problemática da Regularização Fundiária de Assentamentos Informais Consolidados

Presenter: Edésio Fernandes

July 2016, Portuguese

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July 2016, Portuguese

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May 2009, English

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September 2006, English

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