
Property Tax Relief for Homeowners

September 13, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Free, offered in English

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The property tax is the linchpin of independent local government in the United States and offers key strengths as a local revenue source. It provides stable revenue over the business cycle, it is progressive when compared to most alternatives, and its immobile tax base permits localities to set tax rates that reflect the preferences of their citizens. Like any tax, though, it faces challenges.

This webinar will describe a set of policies that can address common property tax challenges without undermining its strengths as a local revenue source. Adam H. Langley and Joan Youngman, property tax experts at the Lincoln Institute, will present key findings from their Policy Focus Report, Property Tax Relief for Homeowners. They will outline principles for quality assessment practices and state aid programs; describe how to design targeted and cost-effective property tax relief programs such as circuit breakers and deferrals; and explain the consequences of different types of tax limits.

In addition, Ron Rakow, former commissioner of assessing for the City of Boston and current Lincoln Institute Fellow, will discuss the success of Boston’s property tax relief policies, such as the City’s generous homestead exemption, and its effective efforts to improve assessment practices.


Kim Rueben, Sol Price Fellow and director of the State and Local Finance Initiative at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.


Adam H. Langley, Associate Director of U.S. & Canadian Programs, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Joan Youngman, Senior Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Ronald Rakow, Former Commissioner of Assessing, City of Boston, and Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


September 13, 2022
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Registration Period
July 28, 2022 - September 13, 2022
Registration Fee


Assessment, Local Government, Property Taxation, Public Finance, Tax Reform, Valuation