
Land Management for Large-Scale Urban Projects

August 27, 2016 - October 4, 2016


Free, offered in Spanish

This course, offered in Spanish, aims to present a general approach to Large-Scale Urban Projects (LSUP). Based on a definition of what is meant by large scale urban projects and why their analysis is important, the course covers the role of the LSUP’s in the development of cities in Latin America and analyzes the types of projects and the diversity of entities that have been developed for their implementation. A particular emphasis is given to the analysis of local and international cases of LSUP and instruments for planning and financing major projects, such as urban operations (CEPAC y Otorga Onerosa del Derecho de Construir -OODC-), partial plans (distribution of burdens and benefits) and the public-private partnerships.

Prerequisites: It is important that the participant has knowledge on concepts such as price formation of land and its relationship to urban planning. Also, it is recommended that prior to the start of the course selected participants reinforce concepts with audio lectures



August 27, 2016 - October 4, 2016
Application Period
August 1, 2016 - August 14, 2016
Selection Notification Date
August 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


Development, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Land Value, Land Value Taxation, Planning, Public Finance, Public Policy, Urban, Urban Development, Valuation, Value Capture, Value-Based Taxes