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Cover of City Tech

City Tech

20 Apps, Ideas, and Innovators Changing the Urban Landscape

By Rob Walker

June 2024, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

June 2024, English


City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

Gleaning Economic Insights from the Irrational and Unexpected

By Jon Gorey

June 2024, English

Federal Reserve economist and former C. Lowell Harriss fellow Jacob Krimmel explains his fascination with how well-meaning economic policies can yield irrational market responses and unintended consequences, and what we can learn from those unexpected outcomes.

Land Lines Magazine

June 2024, English

Federal Reserve economist and former C. Lowell Harriss fellow Jacob Krimmel explains his fascination with how well-meaning economic policies can yield irrational market responses and unintended consequences, and what we can learn from those unexpected outcomes.

Land Lines Magazine

Rezoning and Revitalization in Minneapolis

By Anthony Flint

June 2024, English

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey reflects on the connections among rezoning, racial equity, and revitalization, and shares signs of progress cropping up in the city's downtown.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

June 2024, English

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey reflects on the connections among rezoning, racial equity, and revitalization, and shares signs of progress cropping up in the city's downtown.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Nuevas investigaciones sobre políticas de suelo y desarrollo urbano en América Latina

Por Luis Felipe Quintanilla

June 2024, Spanish

The Lincoln Institute selected research projects in Buenos Aires, São Paulo, and other cities in response to a request for proposals about land policy and urban development in Latin America.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Urbanization

June 2024, Spanish

The Lincoln Institute selected research projects in Buenos Aires, São Paulo, and other cities in response to a request for proposals about land policy and urban development in Latin America.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Urbanization

June 2024, English

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Informal Settlements

State Requirements Under Truth in Taxation Laws for Property Taxes

Yonhui Um

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

Assessing the Grain for Green Program and its Conclusion

Land Use Change in China from 2001 to 2020

Pu Zhang, Thomas Kennedy, Huan Wang, Yuanyuan Yi, Jintao Xu, and Scott Rozelle

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Climate Change

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Climate Change

Are Gated Communities Capturing the Lion’s Share of Metro Accessibility?

The Path Dependence, Localized Bargaining, and Institutional Outcomes in Financing the Development-Oriented Transit in China

Guibo Sun, and Chris Webster

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Housing, Infrastructure, Local Government

June 2024, English

Working Papers

Housing, Infrastructure, Local Government