Jim Gray
Senior Fellow
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Washington, DC
As a nonresident senior fellow based in Washington, DC, Jim focuses on national affordable housing policy. From 2015 through September 2020, Jim helped create and lead the Duty to Serve Program at the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Duty to Serve requires Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to strategically enhance their support for manufactured housing, rural housing, and affordable housing preservation to better serve people with low and moderate incomes.
Prior to FHFA, Jim managed the Center for Excellence in Affordable Housing for NCB Capital Impact, now Capital Impact Partners, a national nonprofit organization that provides financing and capacity-building to promote social and economic equity. Jim contributed to building a nationwide shared equity homeownership practice to help address the racial wealth gap. This initiative was funded by the Ford and Surdna foundations.
Jim worked in the Clinton administration as liaison to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at the Federal Housing Finance Board. He attended Little Rock Central High School, Hendrix College, and Vanderbilt Law School.