Howard Chernick
Professor of Economics
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York
Howard Chernick is Professor of Economics, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, the City University of New York; research affiliate of the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin; and a board member of Citizens for Tax Justice and the Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation. He has served as a technical advisor to the New York City IBO, the OECD, and the Fiscal and Financial Commission of South Africa. He is fluent in French and has been an invited visiting professor in Rennes, France. In 2015 he was awarded a Fulbright specialist grant for study in Paris. He has published widely in the areas of fiscal federalism, urban public finance, and anti-poverty policy. Selected publications include “The Commuter Tax and the Fiscal Cost of Commuters in New York City” (2002); “Fiscal Effects of Block Grants for the Needy: An Interpretation of the Evidence” (1998); “State and Local Fiscal progressivity: Consequences for Economic Growth” (2010); “The Impact of the Great Recession and the Housing Crisis on the Financing of America’s Largest Cities” (2011); “Tax Structure and revenue instability: The Great Recession and the states” (2014); and “Fiscal Gaps in Amalgamated Metropolitan Areas: The Case of Turin and Genoa” (2016). He is the editor of Resilient City: The Economic Impact of the 9/11 Attack on NYC (Russell Sage, 2005).