Ascala Sisk
Deputy Director, Center for Community Investment
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Washington, DC
Ascala Sisk is deputy director at the Center for Community Investment. Prior to joining the Center, Ascala was vice president of Community Initiatives at NeighborWorks America where she led the corporation’s support for comprehensive community development and oversaw work to elevate and strengthen local practice through the Community Stabilization, Community Building and Engagement, Rural, and Healthy Homes and Communities programs. Prior to NeighborWorks, Ascala spent several years at the national nonprofit KaBOOM!, facilitating partnerships between communities and the private sector in order to create new and safe places to play. Ascala began her career at the City of Providence in the Department of Art, Culture, and Tourism where she supported efforts to build a vibrant and creative city by integrating arts and culture into community life. Ascala has an M.A. in public policy with a specialization in public sector financial management from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her undergraduate degree is in urban studies from Brown University.