Land Lines Julho 2016

Gentle Infill
As housing costs spike in tech hubs and other thriving U.S. markets, three cities are loosening regulations to “restore the missing middle”—permitting internal conversions and medium-density development to create more low and moderate-income housing, foster growth, prevent displacement, and preserve the historic fabric of neighborhoods.

Buy-In for Buyouts
Managed retreat is the most unpopular climate adaptation strategy, but after suffering major property loss from hurricanes Irene and Sandy, some home owners in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut chose to sell their properties and move to higher ground. Their experience suggests that buyout programs can yield great benefits, but policies must be designed with care.

In this issue, we feature articles on managed retreat, gentle infill, verifying green bonds, and subsidized Uber in the suburbs, as well as a policy brief on nonprofit PILOTs (payments in lieu of taxes).