Policy Downloads

Strategy Considerations for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funding
Setembro 2023, inglês
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
As climate actors pursue larger public and private finance solutions to begin tackling the multitrillion-dollar global problem of climate change, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) offers an important first step in the United States, launching one of the country’s most ambitious public funding proposals to date.
Grant applicants pursuing GGRF funding cannot, however, consider this the only solution to the challenges at hand. Rather, communities, investors, and policymakers can and should build on private capital alongside GGRF’s initial public investment. Leveraging both sources will facilitate progress toward climate goals that strike the right balance between necessary ecological preservation and more equitable, resilient economic development. It will also better attract the substantial additional public and private investment necessary for attaining those goals.
Mitigação Climática, Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Meio Ambiente, Habitação, Infraestrutura, Tributação Imobiliária, Tributação Base Solo, Poluição, Resiliência, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Transporte, Desenho Urbano, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Recuperação de Mais-Valias