Land Lines Abril 2022

On the Home Front: Local Leaders Address the Housing Affordability Crisis
Pasco, Washington, is one of the fastest-growing places in the U.S. West—and like many communities, it is exploring how comprehensive, balanced strategies can help ensure affordable housing for all.

Investing in Appalachia: How Collaboration and Capital Are Building a More Resilient Region
In a chronically underinvested area of the United States, a new collaborative effort is generating support for local food systems, downtown revitalization, and other projects.

Public Schools and the Property Tax: A Comparison of Education Funding Models in Three U.S. States
In the wake of COVID-19, policy makers have a new opportunity to craft a combination of state aid and local property tax funding that enables all students to obtain an adequate and equitable education.

This issue explores local solutions to the housing affordability crisis, the rise of a community investment ecosystem in Appalachia, and more.