Land Lines Abril 2023

Structural Change: 3C Initiative Promotes Housing Affordability and Racial Equity in Five U.S. Cities
What are the most effective ways to expand housing affordability and build racial equity? Teams in five U.S. cities are addressing that question as part of the Connecting Capital and Community (3C) initiative launched by JPMorgan Chase and the Lincoln Institute’s Center for Community Investment.

Uncertain Futures: Integrating Land and Water Planning in an Era of Climate Volatility
Climate change is water change, the saying goes, but the extremes introduced by our shifting global systems make it difficult to predict local conditions and plan for the future. Learn how three communities are adapting their planning processes and their relationships with water, offering lessons for others in the same boat.

The Second Wave: Why Floods Can Follow Wildfires, and How Communities Can Prepare
While wildfires frequently make headlines, a related risk often flies under the radar: post-wildfire flooding. Changes in soil structure can make communities vulnerable to damaging deluges for years after a fire, but proactive land use policies and decisions can help build resilience.

This issue explores how New Orleans and other communities are changing their relationship with water, describes the Connecting Capital and Communities (3C) initiative and its efforts to promote housing affordability and racial equity, and explains how communities can prepare for post-wildfire flooding. It also looks at efforts to expand access to e-bikes in U.S. cities and includes an interview with the mayor of Seoul.