Paperback | $15.00 | 26 pages
ISBN: 978-1-55844-134-7
PDF | Free | 26 pages
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Using Assisted Negotiation to Settle Land Use Disputes

A Guidebook for Public Officials

Lawrence Susskind, Ole Amundsen, and Masahiro Matsuura

Julho 1999, inglês

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

As land use issues become more complex, it is difficult for public officials to balance the contending forces of environmental protection, economic development, and local autonomy. This guidebook, developed by the Consensus Building Institute, offers step-by-step advice on assisted negotiation based on a study of 100 local land use disputes. It answers questions about why and how to use assisted negotiation, the risks and preparations involved, and issues in hiring a professional mediator or facilitator. It outlines common obstacles, suggests strategies to overcome them, and uses case studies to illustrate steps in the negotiation process.


Resolução de Conflitos, Partes Interessadas