Professional Development Course on Large-Scale Urban (Re-)Development Projects
Maio 22, 2016 - Maio 27, 2016
Mexico City, Mexico
Free, offered in espanhol
This professional development course examines large-scale projects designed to promote the redevelopment or regeneration of deteriorated or abandoned urban areas; the extension of the urban perimeter; the strengthening of growth centers; and/or the creation or rehabilitation of central city areas, including historic centers. The course focuses on policies and a broad set of land-based tools and management instruments to finance and fairly redistribute costs and benefits, and/or promote social urban integration. The course presents methodologies to evaluate the impact of these large-scale projects and critically analyzes a wide variety of case studies.
Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Governo Local, Tributação Imobiliária, Finanças Públicas, Urbano