Land Matters Podcast

A behind the scenes look at what makes cities tick. Whether financing infrastructure, adapting to climate change, or building more affordable housing, a big part of innovative solutions can be traced back to land.

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An assessment of what was accomplished at the recent COP28 climate summit in Dubai, including more prominence for the critical issue of land use and cities, by four members of the Lincoln Institute staff who were there.


Cambio climático


More than 30 reporters, editors, podcasters, and Substack writers attended the most recent Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Journalists Forum, engaging in two days of conversation about housing affordability and policy. The latest episode of the Land Matters podcast offers a sense of the action.


Vivienda, Mercados de suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación


An interview with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who has led a pioneering zoning reform effort to increase housing supply, beginning with banning single-family-only zoning.

Gobierno local, Planificación urbana y regional, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Vivienda


As the US marks Juneteenth, self-described “death and dirt” attorney Mavis Gragg recounts efforts to secure title and reclaim legal ownership of Black-owned land, in the burgeoning field of heirs property.


Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Pobreza e inequidad


Technological advances in satellite imagery and data management have boosted the field of geospatial mapping, making it possible to show all kinds of land uses across parcels, blocks, neighborhoods, and even countries. Jeff Allenby at the Center for Geospatial Solutions explains how the tools are helping local decision-makers understand property ownership patterns and the potential for much-needed new housing.


Vivienda, Mercados de suelo, Gobierno local, Tecnología e instrumentos