Preparing for Potential Shortages: Colorado River Drought Contingency Planning

The way the Colorado River Basin confronts a near–term challenge – potential shortages as early as 2020 – might provide a roadmap for addressing scarcity longer–term. We will discuss system conservation, Upper vs. Lower basin perspectives, and powerful underlying issues of equity. Can this work become a blueprint for the future?

Moderator: Ian James, Reporter, The Arizona Republic
Panelists:  Sandy Bahr, Grand Canyon Chapter Director, Sierra Club; Clint Chandler, Assistant Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources; Lorelei Cloud, Treasurer, Tribal Council, Southern Ute Indian Tribe; Michael Cohen, Senior Associate, Pacific Institute; Jim Lochhead, CEO/Manager, Denver Water; Leslie Meyers, Area Manager, Phoenix Area Office, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Kevin Moran, Senior Director, Ecosystems Water Program, Environmental Defense Fund; Commissioner Roberto Salmón, Mexican Commissioner, Mexico-United States International Boundary and Water Commission


agua, planificación hídrica