
50 resultados ordenados por


  1. Instrumentos de Gestión de la Valorización del Suelo Urbano

    Janeiro 20, 2019
    Profesores: Martim Smolka, Fernanda Furtado, Camila Maleronka, Maria Cristina Rojas, Maria Mercedes Maldonado, Carlos Morales-Schechinger

    Se discutirán los asuntos teóricos y métodos prácticos que permiten gestionar la valorización inmobiliaria.

  2. Gestión del Suelo en Grandes Proyectos Urbanos

    Educação a Distância
    Setembro 23, 2019

    Busca presentar una aproximación general a los Grandes Proyectos Urbanos (GPU), con énfasis en el diseño y uso de instrumentos de política de gestión de suelo.

  3. Is Informal Transit Land-Oriented? Investigating the Links Between Informal Transit and Land-Use Planning in Quito, Ecuador

    Documentos de Trabalho
    Maio 2019
    Julie Gamble and Elisa Puga

    Like many Latin American cities, Quito has undergone rapid urban transformation due to transportation interventions aimed at improving equity and environmental outcomes. Yet, informal transport...

  4. Financing Transit Oriented Development by Value Capture

    Negotiating Better Public Infrastructure
    Documentos de Trabalho
    Junho 2019
    Erwin van der Krabben, Ary Samsura, and Jinshuo Wang

    A recent World Bank report warns of the increasing problems of car-dependent urbanization (Suzuki et al. 2015), particularly in rapidly growing cities in developing countries. The integration of...

  5. Tecnociudad

    El camino hacia un tránsito más inteligente está asfaltado con datos
    Revista Land Lines
    Abril 2019
    Por Rob Walker

    “Lo que se mide, se controla”, dice la perogrullada comercial. Para bien o para mal, la idea también es aplicable para el diseño de ciudades e infraestructura. Y la aparición de los macrodatos (...

  6. City Tech

    The Road to Smarter Transit Is Paved with Data
    Revista Land Lines
    Março 2019
    By Rob Walker, March 15, 2019

    Transportation officials from Virginia to Hawaii are taking advantage of big data to make decisions differently, thanks to the work of the State Smart Transportation Initiative.

  7. Institutional Investment in China’s Infrastructure

    Documentos de Trabalho
    Novembro 2019
    Weiping Wu

    Rapid growth in post-reform China has resulted in a high demand for infrastructure and the need for sustained mechanisms of financing. As public finances are already overstretched at the local level...

  8. The Costs and Benefits of Urban Expansion

    Evidence from Mexico, 1990–2010
    Documentos de Trabalho
    Março 2019
    Jorge Montejano, Paavo Monkkonen, Erick Guerra, and Camilo Caudillo

    Urbanization is generally linked to economic growth, and agglomeration economies mean that people in larger cities are more productive. However, urban expansion is also associated with congestion,...

  9. Autonomía sin piloto

    Los urbanistas dan un volantazo ante la aparición de vehículos autónomos en las calles
    Revista Land Lines
    Abril 2019
    Por Kathleen McCormick

    Los vehículos autónomos ya no son una fantasía futurista. Circulan por las calles de ciudades estadounidenses. Entérese de cómo los funcionarios de planificaci...

  10. Land Lines, April 2019

    Revista Land Lines
    Abril 2019
    Edited by Katharine Wroth

    This issue explores the future of cities, with features on scenario planning, autonomous vehicles, inclusionary housing and the YIMBY movement, and green infrastructure in legacy cities.


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