
134 resultados ordenados por


  1. Mensaje del presidente

    ¿Piensa que las políticas de suelo no guardan relación con la injusticia racial? Piénselo de nuevo.
    Revista Land Lines
    Setembro 2020

    En las profundidades de la Gran Depresión, con el mercado inmobiliario en ruinas y la mitad de las hipotecas del país en mora, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos intervino para brindar un saneamiento...

  2. President's Message: Think Land Policy Is Unrelated to Racial Injustice? Think Again.

    Revista Land Lines
    Junho 2020
    By George McCarthy, June 24, 2020

    In the depths of the Great Depression, with the housing market in shambles and roughly half of America’s home mortgages in default, the U.S. Congress stepped in to provide massive emergency relief....

  3. Who Pays the Property Tax?

    Revista Land Lines
    Abril 2006
    George Zodrow

    A critical aspect of the property tax, but one that is rarely addressed in public debate, is its “economic incidence,” or who actually bears the burden of the tax, as opposed to its...

  4. Property Tax Development in China

    Revista Land Lines
    Julho 2005

    The Lincoln Institute’s China Program was established several years ago, in part to develop training programs on property taxation policy and local government finance with officials from the State...

  5. Strategic Planning in Cordoba

    Revista Land Lines
    Setembro 1997
    Douglas Keare and Ricardo Vanella

    The Lincoln Institute is collaborating with the city of Cordoba, Argentina, on a major project to change approaches to and instruments used for physical planning in the city. Cordoba presents an...

  6. Will a Greenbelt Help to Shrink Detroit’s Wasteland?

    Revista Land Lines
    Outubro 2014

    The first installment in a two-part series, this article outlines the fiscal causes and repercussions of Detroit’s surplus of vacant, publicly held property, and considers the prospect of...

  7. Report from the President

    Changes in Institute Programs and Activities
    Revista Land Lines
    Outubro 2006
    Gregory K. Ingram

    The content of the Institute’s work program has evolved significantly over the past two years, and its annual activities have increased by about half since 2004. Reflecting this evolution and growth...

  8. Conservation Incentives in America's Heartland

    Revista Land Lines
    Outubro 2006

    Inspired by the work of Aldo Leopold, conservation leaders explore three types of incentive programs to achieve land conservation in an economically efficient, measurably effective, and reasonably...

  9. After Sprawl

    The Humane Metropolis
    Revista Land Lines
    Julho 2008
    Rutherford H. Platt

    The failure to control sprawl is widely blamed on the usual suspects, but a more constructive response is to take a deep breath and ask, “What next?”

  10. Lessons from the Latin American Experience with Value Capture

    Revista Land Lines
    Julho 2001

    Over the past five years, the Lincoln Institute has supported the study of value capture policies and instruments in many Latin American countries. Notwithstanding the diversity of approaches and the...


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