Documentos de trabalho
This toolkit demonstrates how evolve environment::architecture (evolveEA), a sustainable design and consulting firm, and the Triboro Ecodistrict, made up of the communities of Etna, Millvale, and Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania, used exploratory scenario planning (XSP) to integrate a resilience and affordability framework across all three communities. The project consisted of a series of community-based XSP workshops that considered the impacts of housing-related issues. The cases and lessons learned can guide similar communities interested in running their own XSP processes.
In 2023, the Consortium for Scenario Planning supported four XSP projects that address housing affordability challenges in communities from San Diego to Pittsburgh. The projects resulted in the development of toolkits that demonstrate how the scenario planning process was adapted in each of the four communities. The other toolkits can be accessed below:
Housing Choices Game: A Scenario Planning Activity Toolkit
Pathways for Affordable Housing Initiatives: A Community-Led Scenario Planning Toolkit
Shifting Perspectives About Housing in Rural Communities: Scenario Planning for Housing Development
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