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Planes parciales, gestión asociada y mecanismos de distribución equitativa de cargas y beneficios en el sistema urbanístico colombiano
Marco jurídico, conceptos básicos y alternativas de aplicación
María Mercedes Maldonado Copello, Juan Felipe Pinilla Pineda, Juan Francisco Rodríguez Vitta, and Natalia Valencia Dávila
Junho 2006, espanhol
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
This Spanish-language book is fundamental to understanding the operation of Colombia’s legal-urban system and its main challenges. In technical and detailed language, the book addresses both conceptual and implementation aspects of the instruments of the Colombian system. In addition to legal features (and their associated debates), the book also discusses planning and management instruments, especially associative management and the equitable sharing of burdens and benefits, in the context of partial plan formulation, project announcement, expropriation, and participation in value capture. It also includes an annotated guide designed to orient city managers in the implementation of these instruments.
Temas Legais, Planejamento, Recuperação de Mais-Valias