
Land Market Monitoring for Smart Urban Growth
Edited by Gerrit J. Knaap
Dezembro 2001, inglês
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
The fundamental debate about urban growth—no growth, slow growth, go growth—will never be resolved, but there is general agreement that urban growth will occur, that it needs some type of management, and that such management requires public policies. Disagreements revolve around how many and which policies to use, and how extensively to apply them. This book is motivated by the belief that measures such as the type, location, amount, and rate of urban growth can be assembled, monitored, and analyzed to gain a better understanding of urban growth processes and growth management policy. The chapter authors offer considerable insight into the state of the art and practice of land market monitoring—an important and emerging subfield of urban growth management.
About the Editor
Gerrit-Jan Knaap is a professor of urban studies and planning and associate dean for research and creative practice at the University of Maryland’s School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. He is also executive director of the University of Maryland's National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education.
Desenvolvimento, Controles de Crescimento, Gestão do Crescimento, Monitoramento do Mercado Fundiário, Uso do Solo, Planejamento de Uso do Solo, Planejamento, Crescimento Inteligente, Desenvolvimento Urbano