2019 Fundamentals of Municipal Finance
Julho 8, 2019 - Julho 14, 2019
Hangzhou, China
Offered in inglês
Each year, the Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy (PLC) offers a week-long capacity-building “Training the Trainers” course to young faculty members, researchers, and practitioners from universities, government agencies, and institutions across China. The subject of the course varies each year, often targeting to the specific need for knowledge relevant to the current policy reform. The course is taught by internationally-reputed scholars in relevant fields. This year the course topic is Fundamentals of Municipal Finance.
This annual flagship training course of the PLC will adapt to China the Professional Certificate Course in Municipal Finance, offered by Harris Public Policy’s Center for Municipal Finance and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. The PLC will organize this training course in Hangzhou, China, in collaboration with the Hangzhou International Center of Urban Studies (HICUS). The venue will be in the training facility of HICUS, located in the suburb of Hangzhou City.
The 7-day course will include modules on the following topics and activities:
- Inter-governmental Fiscal Frameworks
- Revenues, Expenditures, and Budgeting
- Capital Budgeting/Accounting and Urban Infrastructure Maintenance
- Fundamentals for municipal borrowing and the US Municipal Bond Market Experience
- Credit Analysis in Cities & Risk Assessment
- Land-Based Finance and Land Value Capture: Concepts and International Practices
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Municipal Finance Challenges in China: What Can We Learn from the International Experience
We expect to recruit 50 participants. They will be selected from young scholars from universities and research institutes, practitioners from municipal governments, and PhD graduate students specializing in municipal finance. For more information please visit here.