Framing the Context: History of the Colorado River

We’ll start with the big questions for the Colorado River Basin: How did we get here? How has the system worked over the past 100+ years, right up to the situation we find ourselves in today? How do past decisions shape future options? This session will swiftly walk journalists through the basics, provide a refresher for veteran water beat reporters, and allow us to quickly dive into a higher–level discussion.

Moderator: Allen Best, Producer, Energy News Network
Panelists: Daniel Bunk, Deputy Chief, Boulder Canyon Operations Office, Lower Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Anne Castle, Senior Fellow, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, University of Colorado, Boulder; Sara Porterfield, Founder, Tributaries Consulting LLC

Session 1 Presentation – Daniel Bunk, USBR
Session 1 Presentation – Jim Holway, Babbitt Center
Session 1 Presentation – Sara Porterfield, Tributaries Consulting

Palabras clave
