
52 resultados ordenados por


  1. Tirolesa no Pão de Açúcar: Justiça Federal dá liminar para a paralisação e Icomos Brasil faz Alerta Patrimonial à Unesco

    Junio 4, 2023
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias
  2. Por que a mutilação do Pão de Açúcar continua?

    Mayo 20, 2023
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias
  3. Patagones: el inédito plan que propició la construcción de 600 casas en 7 años

    La Nueva
    Mayo 21, 2023
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias
  4. Housing Policies and Urban Development

    Lessons from the Latin American Experience, 1960–2010
    Noviembre 2015
    Eduardo Rojas

    Access and opportunity are tied in many different ways to location. One’s neighborhood and neighbors can have dramatic effects on health and political, socioeconomic, and education opportunities and...

  5. A New Financial Instrument of Value Capture in São Paulo

    Certificates of Additional Construction
    Mayo 2010

    In this paper, Paulo Sandroni discusses a new instrument called the Certificates of Additional Construction Potential bonds (known in Brazil by the name Certificados de Potencial Adicional de Constru...

  6. The Use of Eminent Domain in São Paulo, Bogotá, and Mexico City

    Mayo 2009

    In this paper, Antonio Azuela examines the conditions under which eminent domain is used in São Paulo, Bogotá, and Mexico City. Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico all went through democratic transitions...

  7. Looking Beyond Land Titling and Credit Accessibility for the Urban Poor

    Mayo 2009

    In this paper, Edésio Fernandes argues that the designs of large-scale titling programs have been based on erroneous assumptions about the formation of informal settlements. This error, Fernandes...

  8. Building Rights and Municipal Finance – The Experience of São Paulo, Brazil

    Junio 6, 2019
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias
  9. An Ungoverned City

    U.S. News & World Report
    Enero 15, 2019
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias
  10. Favela Community Land Trusts, Part 2: The Basics of Applying the CLT Model in Favelas

    Septiembre 29, 2018
    El Instituto Lincoln en las noticias


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