
3 resultados ordenados por


  1. Why Tax Increment Financing Often Fails and How Communities Can Do Better

    Revista Land Lines
    Septiembre 2018
    By Will Jason, September 11, 2018

    Tax increment financing, or TIF, is a wildly popular economic development tool in the United States, but it often falls short of its promise to revitalize struggling neighborhoods.

  2. Q & A

    Tax Incentives for Amazon HQ2—When Winners End Up Losers?
    Revista Land Lines
    Septiembre 2018
    By David Franco

    Amazon wants tax incentives to locate its second headquarters. Could the costs outweigh the benefits for a city like Boston?

  3. State-by-State Property Tax at a Glance

    Data Visualization
    Visualización de datos
    Febrero 2018

    This data visualization tool allows users to compare a wide range of property tax statistics and key features of each state’s tax system. The companion narratives provide valuable context on the history of property tax systems and recent developments.

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