
7 resultados ordenados por


  1. Doing Bad by Doing Good?

    An Empirical Analysis of the Incentives from Informal Settlements’ Upgrading Programs on Urban Informality
    Documentos de trabajo
    Marzo 2019
    Cynthia Goytia and Guadalupe Dorna

    This paper has two different aims. First, we investigate the effects of informal settlements upgrading programs through a systematic review synthesizing the information provided by evaluations of...

  2. Distributive Impacts and Support for Mass Transportation Projects

    An Experimental Evaluation in Bogotá, Colombia
    Documentos de trabajo
    Diciembre 2018
    Alishia C. Holland

    Who supports mass infrastructure projects? Mass transportation infrastructure, such as metros and highways, is hugely expensive. But it also can deliver widespread benefits to users and windfall...

  3. Mike Adaster and the Guidelines for a Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre

    Febrero 2012
    Edited by Diego Alfonso Erba and Eglaísa Micheline Pontes Cunha

    This illustrated booklet, Mike Adaster and the Guidelines for a Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre, presents a user-friendly representation of common situations confronted by municipal cadastre...

  4. Movilización social de la valorización de la tierra

    Casos latinoamericanos
    Septiembre 2007
    Editado por María Clara Vejarano

    Esta compilación incluye trece casos de estudio de seis países latinoamericanos sobre la temática de la movilización social de la valorización de la tierra. Los...

  5. Is Progressive Property Tax Progressive?

    Evidences from São Paulo
    Documentos de trabajo
    Febrero 2018
    Ciro Biderman and Yuri Camara Batista

    This paper uses an unusual opportunity to estimate the capitalization of the property tax on property value. In 2002 the city of São Paulo changed the property tax structure moving from...

  6. Land Values, Property Rights, and Home Ownership

    Implications for Property Taxation in Peru
    Documentos de trabajo
    Febrero 2018
    Zackary Hawley, Juan José Miranda, and W. Charles Sawyer

    This paper examines land values and the associated property tax implications of formal property rights, informal property rights, and squatting. Using data from the Peruvian Living Standards...

  7. Could Land-Based Financing Help Create Fiscal Space for Investment by Brazil’s Municipalities?

    Documentos de trabajo
    Octubre 2016
    David Michael Vetter and Marcia Vetter

    Within a framework of tight fiscal controls and fiscal discipline, could Brazil’s municipalities generate fiscal space for investment and provision of social needs by increased use of land-...

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