
9 resultados ordenados por


  1. Professional Development Course on Informal Land Markets and Regularization in Latin America

    Diciembre 6, 2015
    Mark Haveman

    This weeklong course offers students the opportunity to assess and challenge their understanding of fundamental topics related to urban informality.

  2. Detroit and the Property Tax

    Strategies to Improve Equity and Enhance Revenue
    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Noviembre 2015
    Gary Sands and Mark Skidmore

    This report outlines the problems underlying the erosion of Detroit's property tax base—a factor that contributed to the city's bankruptcy in 2013. It offers recommendations for reform...

  3. Inclusionary Housing

    Creating and Maintaining Equitable Communities
    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Septiembre 2015
    Rick Jacobus

    This report illustrates how local governments can realize the full benefits of inclusionary housing policies, which require developers of new market-rate real estate to provide some affordable units...

  4. Mensaje del presidente

    Cómo proteger una parte del mercado de la vivienda
    Revista Land Lines
    Julio 2015

    Las personas que trabajan conmigo por lo general se sorprenden de hasta qué punto mi canon filosófico deriva de las películas no convencionales de bajo presupuesto, especialmente de la década de 1980...

  5. Message from the President

    Protecting a Share of the Housing Market
    Revista Land Lines
    Julio 2015

    People who work with me are often surprised by the extent to which my philosophical canon derives from low-budget offbeat films, typically from the 1980s. When in need of wisdom, I frequently turn to...

  6. Ilegal pero lógico

    Por qué las viviendas de derechos de propiedad pequeños son populares en China
    Revista Land Lines
    Julio 2015
    Li Sun and Zhi Liu

    “Como trabajador migrante durante 13 años, siempre he querido ser dueño de mi casa y tener una vida familiar normal aquí en Shenzhen” dijo el Sr. Wang, un exagricultor de la provincia de Sichuan que...

  7. Nuevas anclas para fondear

    Educación y medicina con las comunidades
    Revista Land Lines
    Febrero 2015
    Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy

    La participación cívica se ha convertido en la norma a seguir en algunos de los hospitales y universidades más importantes de la nación, lo que ha generado barrios llenos...

  8. Anchors Lift All Boats

    Eds & Meds Engaging with Communities
    Revista Land Lines
    Febrero 2015
    Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy

    Civic engagement has become the norm at some of the nation’s leading hospitals and universities, yielding vibrant neighborhoods and thriving business corridors that attract patients, students,...

  9. Illegal But Rational

    Why Small Property Rights Housing Is Big in China
    Revista Land Lines
    Julio 2015
    Li Sun and Zhi Liu

    Nearly one-quarter of residential units in Chinese cities are illicit, built and sold by village collectives on land that the state has not yet approved for urban use. The authors consider the legal...

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