
119 resultados ordenados por


  1. Máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible

    Enero 15, 2024

    El máster en Políticas de Suelo y Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible es un programa académico online en español que reúne de manera única los marcos legales y herramientas que sostienen la planificación urbana.

  2. Políticas de Suelo Urbano para Periodistas Latinoamericanos

    Marzo 13, 2017
    Expertos: Paulo Sandroni, Martim O. Smolka, Sonia Rabello
    Colaborador: Foro de Periodismo Argentino (FOPEA)

    Este curso está especialmente diseñado para llevar los conceptos de gestión del suelo urbano y las políticas urbanas al público periodístico en América Latina.

  3. Professional Development Course on Large-Scale Urban (Re-)Development Projects

    Mayo 22, 2016

    This course examines large-scale projects designed to promote the redevelopment or regeneration of deteriorated or abandoned urban areas and the extension of the urban perimeter.

  4. Professional Development Course on Informal Land Markets and Regularization in Latin America

    Noviembre 27, 2016
    Faculty: Carlos Morales Schechinger, Claudio Acioly Jr., Cynthia Goytia, Martim O. Smolka, Pedro Abramo

    This course enables the understanding of the urban informal economy, as well as to develop instruments of economic analysis on informality, land markets and price formation, and the processes that generate informal settlements in cities of Latin America.

  5. Monitoring the Share of Land in Streets

    Public Works and the Quality of Global Urban Expansion
    Noviembre 2015

    Whether it is microhousing for hipsters in Seattle, high-rises for the upwardly mobile in Beijing, or informal settlements on the fringe of Nairobi, the expansion of urban areas is poorly monitored...

  6. Climate Change and U.S. Cities

    Vulnerability, Impacts, and Adaptations
    Noviembre 2015
    William Solecki

    William Solecki examines the challenge climate change creates for city planning complicated by the fact that barring serious intervention, some urban land may eventually be underwater. Climate change...

  7. The Past and Future of the Urban Property Tax

    Noviembre 2015
    Grant Driessen and Steven Sheffrin

    For U.S. cities, the property tax is the single largest source of own-source revenue, but the extent to which different cities rely on property tax revenues varies significantly. Grant Driessen and...

  8. An Evaluation of China’s Land Policy and Urban Housing Markets

    Noviembre 2015

    In this paper, Joyce Y. Man examines the evolution of Chinese housing policies and the growth of the Chinese housing market since the reforms of 1998, when the Chinese government ended its...

  9. Housing Policies and Urban Development

    Lessons from the Latin American Experience, 1960–2010
    Noviembre 2015
    Eduardo Rojas

    Access and opportunity are tied in many different ways to location. One’s neighborhood and neighbors can have dramatic effects on health and political, socioeconomic, and education opportunities and...

  10. Is Location Fate?

    Distributional Aspects of Schooling
    Mayo 2014
    Eric Hanushek

    Eric A. Hanushek analyzes the impact of human capital on economic outcomes, arguing that cognitive skills are a better measure of human capital than years of schooling. He focuses on urban schools...


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