Documentos de trabajo
Conducted by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), as a collaboration between its Brazilian and global teams, and commissioned by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, this study aims to contribute to a reassessment of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program (MCMV) methods and procedures, relevant to the provision of adequate access and mobility to residents. It focuses on project location choices, public transit use, pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly planning and urban design. The goal is to inform the MCMV Phase Three programs’ details as they are being worked out. The study reviews the improvements made to the program in the five years since its launch in 2009, and attempts to identify potential policy improvements that could be further adopted, as well as new instruments that could help to improve the quality of MCMV housing in the future.
Palabras clave
desarrollo, vivienda, desarrollo orientado a transporte