Enfoques en políticas de suelo
Paperback | $20.00 | 64 pages
ISBN: 978-1-55844-330-3
PDF | Free | 64 pages
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Inclusionary Housing

Creating and Maintaining Equitable Communities

Rick Jacobus

Septiembre 2015, inglés

This report illustrates how local governments can realize the full benefits of inclusionary housing policies, which require developers of new market-rate real estate to provide some affordable units for lower-income residents. Policy makers, practitioners, and local leaders will learn how to build public support, use data to inform program design, establish reasonable expectations for developers, and ensure long-term program quality.

About the Author

Rick Jacobus, a national expert in inclusionary housing and affordable homeownership, is the principal of Street Level Urban Impact Advisors (StreetLevelAdvisors.com). He was the founder of Cornerstone Partnership, and he currently serves as a strategic advisor to Cornerstone. He was previously a partner in Burlington Associates in Community Development and a visiting fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.


This guide gives practical information to housing advocates and policy makers about the economic impacts and the nuts and bolts of designing an equitable inclusionary housing policy.”

Alexis Stephens, Next City

Palabras clave

desarrollo comunitario, fideicomiso de suelo comunitario, desarrollo, desarrollo económico, vivienda, inequidad, planificación de uso de suelo, temas legales, gobierno local, pobreza, políticas públicas, segregación, crecimiento inteligente, desarrollo urbano, regeneración urbana, expansión urbana descontrolada, recuperación de plusvalías, zonificación