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PDF | 371 pages
ISBN: 958-695-112-X
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Reforma urbana y desarrollo territorial

Experiencias y perspectivas de aplicación de las leyes 9a de 1989 y 388 de 1997

Edited by María Mercedes Maldonado
Copublished by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá; Universidad de los Andes, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Regionales, Cider; and Federación Nacional de Organizaciones de Vivienda Popular, Fedevivienda

Octubre 2003, español

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

This Spanish-language book includes the results of the Forum on Urban Reform and Territorial Development, held in April 2003 in Bogotá, Colombia. This pioneering event was dedicated to sharing experiences and perspectives related to the application of the most important legal instruments of the Colombian urban system: Law 9 of 1989 and Law 388 of 1997. This volume reproduces the presentations made in the forum, covering the jurisprudential evolution of urban law in Colombia; the historical social and political background of the two laws; the implementation process, including land use plans and value capture; and international experiences and references.

Palabras clave

temas legales, recuperación de plusvalías