Land Lines Julio 2008
People or Place?
One of the longest standing debates in community economic development is between “place-based” and “people-based” approaches. Should help go to distressed places or distressed people?
After Sprawl
The failure to control sprawl is widely blamed on the usual suspects, but a more constructive response is to take a deep breath and ask, “What next?”
Urban Housing Informality
New evidence from Brazil indicates that the regulation of land use and building standards can reinforce other factors that contribute to informal and irregular urban land occupation.
A Model for Sustainable Development in Arizona’s Sun Corridor
The response to emerging concerns about climate change impacts will require significantly changing prevalent land use planning and development patterns in the region.

This issue looks at place-making strategies to combat poverty, unemployment, and other issues plaguing U.S. cities; the dynamics and effects of urban sprawl and possible remedies to overgrown metropolises; urban housing informalities in Brazil; and an Arizona-based model for sustainable residential development.